This was a request from someone on Youtube, it can be done in Canvas but its not as easy, so I thought I would show you how to do it in Inkscape.
This is the Knockout effect its popular for using with vinyl for home decor and clothing projects.
For anyone who doesn’t know what this is. In this example you would use black and green vinyl and the green would inlay inside the black letter so it would only be 1 layer of vinyl, not green letters stacked on top of black I hope that makes sense.
This is the project I created.
The video is Here
Ive had so many ideas going around my head for the last few months, so much so that I think from this week I will have at least two videos a week coming to my channel.
Here is a sneak peek.
This is a quick easy project using just a few scraps of fabric I hope you like it.
The video is Here
Heres an alternative method from Lynn one of my subscribers (Thank you)
Cut 4 circles all the same size.. placing two of them wrong sides together.
Fold two of them in half to use as the half circles… zipper goes in the two that are folded in half (half circles like you cut).
Attach zipper to half circles.
Place half circles with zipper wrong side down (open the zipper) on top of the other two circles and sew around outer edge to join them together
Turn right side out through opened zip.