Someone asked me what is the difference between the Subtract and the Divide functions in SNC Canvas and as Ive been so busy lately I didn’t really have time to reply.
Today while I had a bit of a break in-between cleaning I decided to make this quick video. I hope it helps, I would also suggest having a look on my Youtube channel and choose the SNC Canvas playlist, you should find other videos in there where I also use these functions in more depth.
Todays video is Here
In the video i made recently for the fabric notebook cover I mentioned you could also use batting/wadding, someone contacted me and asked me how to do it, so I’ve made another video.
You can find it Here
This is what I made
In this video I show you how you can make a fabric notebook cover for any size book.
This is a simple project that doesn’t use much fabric and I think they would make great gifts.
I decorated the blue one using a rhinestone design I cut using the ScanNCut, but they look just as nice made with pattern fabric, or you could use scraps and make a patchwork design and then cut your patchwork fabric to the size you require for your book.
These are mine.
You can find the video Here