Following on from last weeks Zig Zag card, this weeks video will show you how easy it is to make this triple easel card using ScanNCut Canvas.
I thought the card I used was fairly sturdy but in retrospect I think I should have not put the dashed centre fold line on the largest heart, as it seemed to weaken the design and it couldn’t support itself properly.
The video on how to make the card and assemble it is Here
I hope you like it and are enjoying seeing the alternative shaped cards.
I have another one to show you so please subscribe to my Youtube channel to be kept up to date will all my postings.
I get asked a lot about how to make cards that are different shapes rather than just making a basic plain fold in half card, so in the next couple of videos I am going to try and show how to make something a little different using ScanNCut Canvas.
Heres the first one, you don’t have to use hearts and you can use your own measurements, its the technique I am trying to show you and then you can experiment yourselves.
I hope you find it helpful and the video is Here
Ive not done a sewing project for a while and to be honest I thought I had posted a tutorial on how to make these box corner type bags, it was only when someone contacted me before Christmas asking where my tutorial was for some I had on my blog that I realised I had not done one.
So I hope you like it, this is what I made.
The video is Here