My little girl and I went to one of those big out of town shopping centres yesterday and of course its a child’s paradise for all things fury and shiny!
Anyway she has so many soft toys I refuse to buy anymore but whilst there we came across a ‘Build A Bear’ shop and it was packed and of course she wants to go and look at the clothes for her 2 build a bears.
It strikes me its money for old rope in these shops not only do they have loads of different styles of bears, but clothes galore, roller skates, glasses, bags, mobile phones, even a wheelchair. The list goes on and on.
So £17.00 later we came out with this
Head band £1.50
Tshirt & Skirt £10.00
Sparkly shoes £5.50
And here is one of the bears in all its finery
So last night I decided I would try and make an outfit I made this dress from some white cotton I had and fabric from a recent project, can you guess which one?
Here she is in her party frock and now with added headband.