Laundry Room
I have posted before about the problems we had building this house, but when we sat down to design it we wanted to use the space better for us than in we did in the last house we built. Two of the areas were the kitchen and utility room.
In our last house we had a separate utility room that was to big and a dinning room that apart from Christmas we never used. In addition we had a good sized kitchen with a round table and chairs but I never felt comfortable eating in there and I don’t know why.
So in this house we made the kitchen even bigger and we have a good sized oblong table and chairs in there and we eat in there all the time and it’s great. I posted about the kitchen last week.
Now when my husband said because he wanted the whole of the downstairs to flow and he wasn’t having a utility room built I hit the roof, I am not a fan of having washing machines and tumble dryers in kitchens I know they have there place but it’s not for me.
So I said well I want a laundry area so you better come up with something and guess what he did!
Our main bathroom is big so he had a cupboard built in it with double doors and it runs the length of the stair wall inside so is deep. This cupboard also houses the upstairs manifold for the underfloor heating so it always warm in there too.
Inside I have my washing machine and tumble dryer stacked the same as in my last house there’s a shelf that pulls out in between them for folding up drying as I empty the dryer which I love.
I have the small white unit which I keep first aid stuff in, hay fever tablets etc and things like nail varnish remover and my hairdryer and brushes as I do my hair there too.
I have a shelf for everyday spare towels and a shelf for cleaning products and my iron.
I also keep my ironing board in there and right in the back a small old set of Ikea draws that has more towels that we never really use.
Now when he put the idea to me I thought he was mad but I have to admit it’s a stroke of genius (but I would never tell him!)
Its made washing and drying clothes so much easier, in my last house I would take the laundry downstairs, through the hall, through the kitchen into the utility room, wash it dry it and iron it then take it back through the kitchen, hall and upstairs to put it all away.
Now my little girl has a laundry basket in her room and we have a laundry basket in the corner of the bathroom so it’s at hand to wash and dry and I am already upstairs when it comes to putting it all away.
Here are some photos. If you click on an image and then click that again you should get a bigger view. The doors are oak like the rest of the house but they dont look it in this photos.
My batteries on my camera have died so I will post photos of the rest of the bathroom in a few days.